Thursday, June 28, 2018

8 reason to lose weight now!!!

lose weight now

Obesity causes many health problems and we already know it very well. It is time to lose weight now because there are many big diseases associated with it. If you are really concern about your health read this 8 reason to lose weight now.

Obesity is the second leading cause of death after smoking. It is associated with an increased mortality rate of all ages including children. Overweight and obesity are frequently used in the society interchangeably. But, the two word has different technical meaning.
Overweight means you have excess body mass. It includes all of the tissues of your body. On the other hand, obesity means without excess fat. As an example, a professional bodybuilder is called overweight because he has excess muscle mass but he is not obese.

Obesity is the main concern for your health. Losing weight is not a challenge anymore. It is no longer an issue. If you maintain a good diet and exercise daily you can lose weight rapidly. Here are reasons to lose weight now.


Obesity is also connected with arteriosclerosis. It is the fatty tissue deposits in the arteries all over the body. As a result, the blood flow becomes slow and increase the danger of blood clotting.  

Arteries are the only way that carries blood to your brain. If the blood clotting happens because of narrow artery canal then the blood supply can't go through the brain veins. Then it causes brain stroke. It is one best reason to lose weight now.  

lose weight now

In the USA, 80 -90% of people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. as well as the leading cause of adult blindness in the world. One of the direct causes of obesity is eating wrong foods. Some of these wrong foods include high glycemic foods.

High glycemic foods are energy dense foods that quickly increase the level of blood glucose in your body after been eaten. Your body deposits the unnecessary fat which includes high glucose. Therefore, weight loss becomes difficult for you.

Releasing a hormone called insulin does this. Diabetes happens due to the body failed to generate enough insulin to extract the excess glucose from the blood. It will happen after straining insulin generation for some time. That is the main reason for being fat and cause diabetes.


The prominent health organization WHO showed that 25% - 33% of cancer patients in the world are overweight. Our body fat generates high insulin level and estrogen hormone. Both insulin and estrogen increase the rate of cell division.

A research has shown that the generation of quick cells increases the chances of developing cancerous cell. Furthermore, the fat cells try to retain carcinogenic (an agent cause cancer) which enhances the chance of causing cancer.

Types of cancers you will be at high risk to get include
  • Breast cancer- affecting the breast possibly in both men and women.
  • Colorectal cancer- affecting colon and rectum.
  • Prostate cancer- affecting the prostate gland in men.
  • Endometrial cancer- affecting the uterus.
  • Esophageal cancer- affecting the esophagus.
  • Renal cell cancer, the cancer of the kidney, etc.

Respiratory problems

If you are obese your lungs become smaller and the chest will be heavier to lift when you are breathing. One of the general respiratory problems is called sleep apnea. The sleep apnea is a health condition where a man can't breathe for some time during sleeping.

A soft tissue in the throat collapses around the airway probably due to weight, blocking it. For the severely obese sleep apnea may get more complicated with hypoventilation.

Hypoventilation is an accumulation of toxic levels of carbon dioxide (the gas we breathe out) in the blood, due to inadequate breathing. Lose weight now will be the healthy and safest solution to sleep apnea problem.

Urinary Incontinence

Overweight is the prime reason for urinary incontinence. The body fat deposit can develop a heavy abdomen. It may weaken the valves of the urinary bladder. Overweight also put great pressure on the urinary bladder. So, you have to put pressure to extract urine from the body.

Sometimes leakage of urine happened when you are laughing, sneezing or coughing. The reason for this is the bladder valve relaxation. You can experience bed wetting at night too. This specific health problem can be an important reason to lose weight now.

Varicose veins

It is also recognized as Venous Stratis. The muscles of thigh and leg assist your heart in blood flow. The organs work against the gravity to pump the blood towards the heart. The valves are also helping to block the blood in order to stop backward blood flow.

The large abdomen enhance the valves workload.  The pressure on the valves causes severe damage.  Damaged valves unable to back up the blood flow. Because of gravity, the blood puts a high pressure on the veins. Your veins are swelling and thickening. It causes varicose veins and skin cancers.

lose weight now

High Blood Pressure

The BMI (Body Mass Index) and age together are the strongest indicator of risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. At least a third of hypertension is related to obesity.
Overweight causes many other diseases. Here are some examples;
  • Gallstones
  • Gout
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Lower back pains
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Liver disease
  • Impaired immune response
  • Depression
  • Pancreatitis
  • Bad body smell

The women will face various pregnancy disorders such as
  • Prenatal mortality,
  • Neural tube defect,
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Maternal hypertension etc.

A study indicates that a low count of weight loss of 7 pounds can tremendously lower the chances of causing these diseases. Weight loss is a tough challenge and taken by many people every year.

However, most people fail weight loss challenge due to lack of information and perseverance. A healthy diet plan and exercise chart can reduce your weight gradually. Find out a good teacher who will teach you how to lose weight overnight.

Now, you understand why you need to burn your excess weight. These are very good reasons to lose weight now. Understand these reasons carefully and take the weight loss challenge. A good healthy life is waiting for you. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow!That's amazing .. I was 85 KG ,But now I am 80.... Thanks for these tips
