Friday, June 8, 2018

How to stop baldness in a natural way!

How to stop baldness

How to stop balding or cure for hair loss is the hot topic around the world. In this era, hair loss and baldness are the most familiar problems in the world. Although losing 10-15 hair in a day is normal. But sometimes hair loss can be a lot more causing worry and concern.

The question of how to stop balding or hair loss may be new but the answer is old. Our scientist gives new formula to stop baldness like laser technology, supplements, shampoos and so on. But the real answer is hidden in powerful natural resources.

You can easily stops hair fall and cure the baldness using natural products and have good diets. Today I’m going to explain some simple natural tips, which will help you to reduce hair fall.

Have a balanced diet full of vitamins:

how to stop balding

For normal hair growth, it requires a good number of minerals and vitamins too. A balanced diet full of natural vitamins may be the answer of how to stop balding.

Vitamin A promotes healthy production of secretion in the skull and it also helps to reduce hair fall. And this vitamin A can be found in green vegetables, dark leafy, mango, papaya, sweet red peppers etc.

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that helps to remove free radicals from the hairline. It also produces collagen which is an important vitamin of hair. Eat orange, guava, strawberries and citrus fruits for vitamin C.

The sun rays provide vitamin D. It plays a crucial role in hair production. Vitamin E is an antioxidant like vitamin C. Avocadoes, sunflower seeds and almonds are the natural sources of vitamin E. 

Vitamin B also known as biotin is very essential for hair health. B vitamins like blood cells provide nutrients and oxygen to your scalp. You can get B12 vitamins from animal meat. If you are following vegan diet then take a supplement. 

So if you think you are suffering from hair fall, you can add foods like nuts, green vegetables, dairy products and cabbage which are the big source of biotin.

Have a protein-rich diet:

how to stop balding

Protein is the structure block of the tissues in the human body, including hair. You have to make sure that you are expending enough protein in your diet.

Taking less protein in your diet causes a hair loss sign. If you take less protein then your body starts rationing the protein available in your body. If you continue to take fewer proteins after 3 months you will experience balding.

How to stop balding? The answer is protein. Eat enough white eggs, milk, meat, and fish on daily basis. These are the big natural sources of protein.

Drink more water:

how to stop balding

You should keep yourself hydrated because staying hydrated is important for health and tissue growth. The proper amount of water can remove dandruff and stop balding. The hair shaft builds one-quarter water. Drink lots of water to prevent hair loss.

Drinking less water can dehydrate you. The human body is well composed of water estimating 60-80% filled with it. The lack of water affects cell production and hair growth. Your hair becomes dry and begins to fall.

Your hair root is the only way to supply water from the body to hair. The adequate water levels in root help to grow strong and shiny hair. In order to stop balding, you need to drink lots of water. At least 64 ounces of water in a day.   

Use herbal Shampoo:

This is extremely essential to understand your skull type and which shampoo is right for you. Moreover, you have to wash your hair depending upon your skull.

In this case over washing hair with dry skull can lead to hair fall, or not washing hair thrice a week can lead to the same. So try to shampoo hair on a regular basis.

Your choice of hair shampoo should be natural. If you are using a chemical based shampoo then stops right now. Chemical based shampoo includes alcohol and other pesticides which is harmful to hair.

Instead of chemical shampoo, you can use herbal shampoos. These shampoos are made of herbs, plants extracts, and other natural resources. It will make your hair strong and healthy. 

Use essential oils for hair growth:

Oiling enhances blood convention and nourishes the root. You can also reduce your hair fall by using hair oils. There are many types of hair oils on the market. You have to choose the right one for your hair. Just massaging these oils into your hair after shampooing.

Select natural oils instead of chemical-based oil. Many people use coconut oil for hair massaging and it is really helpful. Some people use Aloe Vera and Amla oil for hair massage. You can also use basil, fenugreek, calendula natural herbs based oil.

If you are determined to solve how to stop balding then start using natural oil. I am using natural oils for years. It helps to cool my head and stop hair loss. 

Try to avoid too many styling products:

Hair styling gel and other styling products include corrosive chemical components. It includes alcohol that removes moisture from the scalp and dehydrates the root of the hair. As a result, your hair strands become weak and start to fall.

Avoiding styling chemical gels is a good answer of how to stop balding. Styling gels severely damaged your scalp and hair. Instead of using chemical components use homemade herbal oil for hair. It helps to reduce rapid hair loss.    

By using too many chemical products on your hair could be injurious in the long run. So do not use these harmful chemicals in your hair. Use natural products for your hair.

You will find many hair loss tips and solution of how to stop balding on the internet. Find out which helps you a lot. Try the natural supplement, herbal shampoos, natural oil, eat natural foods and fruits and drink adequate water.

If you are badly suffering from hair loss and baldness then visit a professional herbal dermatologist now. He will help you stop baldness in a natural way.

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